Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Imagine If You Can.....

So, I've had a little trouble lately. I am COMPLETELY burned out on my gym!! Love everyone there, mind you. But, my 2 a days which were so great and empowering 3 months ago.....have lost their magic. It truly has become a battle of wills to get me there and when I get to it, I am pissed off the whole time! Let's just say....I'm over it. Now, I am truly grateful for the amazing progress I've made over the past year!! Totally enthralled, overjoyed, stunned really by what I've been able to accomplish. But, I'm fried. So, this morning I showed up for my Monday standing date with my adorable trainer Todd and he asked the wrong question. (He had no idea)

"So....how's it goin'?"

That's all it took. The flood gates opened and for 35 minutes of my 55 minute appointment, I shared my feelings on the subject. Poor guy.

But, here's the great thing. He pulled a rabbit out of his hat and gave me such good advice, that my attitude TOTALLY turned around, almost in an instant, and if I wasn't positive before, which I was, I am completely convinced I have the most AWESOME trainer on the planet!!

Here's what he said. "Imagine if you will let yourself, the woman you want to be. Your goal "you" if you will. Really study her. What is she like? What will she do? Who will she be? Stop looking at the task at hand and focus on her. You at your goal weight. How will your life be different? Now, when you are struggling through a workout, or a situation you are uncomfortable with....Think.... How would the woman you'd LIKE to be, DO the things you are about to do? And don't do it like you today, visualize how empowered you'll be then and behave like her!"

HE IS A GENIUS!! I know it sounds simple, but today, I acted like her and I was a maniac!! I love her so much better than me! I can't wait to be her all the time. And in the meantime, I have more visualizing to do. Hope is a dangerous thing, but I am going to try to work this whole angle, because I feel excited to see what I can do next! I tread on......

1 comment:

Misty said...

I needed that advice, too. Tell Todd that he helped 2 of us today. (My goal "me" is a serious hottie who drives a Mini Cooper and has lunch dates with movie stars. Can he help me with that one?)