Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Really Good Day

I have to say, today was a really good day. I don't think anything out of the ordinary happened, but it just was. I woke up happy. I can't explain it any better than that. I worked out really hard at the gym and survived. That is always a good thing. I lost 7 pounds in January. Another good event. I had lunch with my sister Carrie. Very nice. I guess with everything going on in the world, I've found a new appreciation for satisfaction. I am extremely blessed and I am finally appreciating it. I can only hope that tomorrow will bring the same. Sometimes I forget and plunge into my "pit of despair" before I realize what I've done. So, to all of you who enrich my life just by being in it and love me inspite of all my HUGE flaws......Thanks. Thank you for never giving up on me and for making me smile. I love you too. I want to play tag with all of the willing...... Here we go. I want to know your happiest memory, to date. I have 2 that I can't pick so I am sharing both, because it is my blog and I can...
  1. Seeing the very first picture of my nephew Brady and knowing at my core that he was meant to be in our family, and feeling an instant bond to a little boy I had never met. After watching helplessly for 6 years as my sister and her husband go through test after test, many procedures and disappointments, I could almost see Corey's heart heal. She finally understood why they went through everything they did. It was for this little creature that needed us as much as we needed him.
  2. The second happened last April, when I stepped off the Norwegian Dream onto Irish Soil and feeling like I had come home. It was raining and I was having the trip of a lifetime and it was like my Irish DNA was doing the jig. It really was so magical and you couldn't have wiped the smile off my face if you tried. If I could live anywhere else in the world Kinsale, Ireland would be it. It is my "home" away from home and I will remember that day forever!
  3. OK, so I know I said 2, but I can't resist telling you the last. It let's you know what a true nerd I am! And I just thought of it, so sue me. In 1984, I had a crush. It was strange, but love is a strange thing. I was in love with Scott Hamilton the ice skater. I know...sad, but true. Anyway, I watched every moment of the '84 Olympics and cheered Scott, (my man) to victory. After the Olympics, Campbell's Soup put on a national tour of Olympic champions on Ice and my Mom got us tickets after I promised to do anything to get them. So, off we went to see my love skate! Yippee!! I watched and cried and it was amazing and no sooner did he do his last spin, I ran down all 4 million flights of stairs to give my flowers to THE Scott Hamilton! I get to the bottom when a flower girl comes up to me and tries to take my flowers. I told her: "I'm Sorry, but I can only give these flowers to Scott Hamilton himself! Well, she assured me they would be given to him and I said: "No, I have to give these to him myself!" She started laughing and skated over to Scott and told him what I said, and he came over kind of chuckling and said, "I hear you have a delivery for me?" And, I froze. I was bursting & I couldn't think of anything to say! I finally blurted out: " I LOVE YOU!" He thanked me for the flowers and kissed me on the cheek! I could've passed out! I ran back up to my Mom and told her what I'd said and she laughed so hard I thought she might pee her pants! It was the greatest night of my teenage life! Truth be told, I still love Scott Hamilton and I am always glad when he is an announcer for the skating shows! I nerd.

Now it is your turn. Share! Ready....go! You're it. Have a happy day!

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