Monday, May 26, 2008

Well.......As I Live & Breathe!

O.K. So......what's new you ask?? That is a loaded question these days. What do you do on a dreary drizzling weekend of rain.....what to do.......what to do.....hmmm.......WAIT! I know, how about participating in a 5K in American Fork in the pouring down rain at 8:00am on Memorial Day. Yeah, that's what I'll do......WHAT?? Had a massive seizure you ask?? Perhaps. BUT I RAN A FREAKING 5K TODAY!! (well, let's not exaggerate too much now....I ran a good portion of the 5K and walked briskly the rest-I am still me not the Bionic Woman) But, I did it and I wasn't dead last either! WHEW HEW!! (O.K. again this blog is about me being real and so I must tell you the few people I beat were Moms that were pushing strollers up the steep hill at the end of the race, but I beat them just the same.) I don't know who's life I am living right now, but I think I like the new relatively active me (who knew the words active and me would ever go into the same sentence in my lifetime). Here is a little pictorial of my experience as a race participant on Memorial Day Weekend 2008. One life altering experience at a time.....I tread on.
Almost There......Closer.......

Whew! Under An Hour! For the Record, my Sis did it in 31 minutes! She rocks!!

I love our adventures together!

Here is the nice lady we met walking back in the rain who hitch hiked for us
and got us a ride back to our car. (Yes it's true I hitched a ride. This was American Fork people, not NYC! I was really tired!)

FYI. I saw 2 awesome movies this weekend! IRON MAN with Robert Downey Jr. I love him and loved him in this movie and WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS with Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz. Just good clean fun and F U N N Y! Love them both and gave 2 thumbs up for a rocking good time! Also, saw the movie poster for Twilight!! They have picked an AWESOME HOT Edward!! I CANNOT WAIT!!


Andy said...

You run Forrest! Way to go!

youreprettytoo said...

So are you going to run the Murray 5K with me?!?