Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Well, I took the plunge into the painful world of working out! It is much easier to be lazy. What was I thinking?? I know that is what you are thinking and I believe those words have escaped my lips many times as well. But, I have a fantastic much younger, energetic trainer who is making me do several things with this body of mine, that I am pretty sure were never meant to be! I am still in pain and it has been two days. She is convinced I can do this, so I'll believe her. Thousands wouldn't, but I'll believe her. However, I am committed to this new endeavor, so I put my money where my mouth is (and food used to be) and I have paid for 20 sessions. What?? I know. I feel the same way about it. SHOCK. HORROR. Empathy. All those things. I guess the phrase "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger" will take on a WHOLE different meaning. This actually might kill me. Good Lord. Anyhoo, I'm gonna keep plugging along and we'll see what happens. Damn that show BIGGEST LOSER! It makes this seem possible! Stay tuned.....

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