Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's Start At The Beginning...

This is an actual picture of our second's like we knew :)

So...I got married. WHAT?? It's true. Little old me. Crissy Olpin got hitched! It is the most amazing thing. I found the one. He is my total opposite in just about every way. He is a southern redneck, NASCAR fan, Dallas Cowboy fan, divorced father, truck driver, outdoor lover, Walmart shopper, no nonsense kinda guy from Kansas. I am a suburban city dweller, movie lover, shopper, hairstylist, quilt maker, Target diva, travelling maniac from Utah. Truly, on paper we should have never met, let alone fall in love and get married and yet, our differences seem to compliment each other in the best way. Now, I'm not saying it is all smiles and roses...We are both passionate individuals and our relationship has been put through the ringer, almost from the day we met, but there is a love and a commitment that I never dreamed I would find in this life that is stronger than either one of us thought was possible. Just this morning, we were sitting on our couch snuggling for the 2 minutes we were ahead of schedule and Brad turned to me and said..."Can we put a little more of this into our busy schedule?"

These are the moments I treasure in the midst of our hectic life. We truly get each other and it is what I've always wanted. I've married my best friend and I feel truly blessed. I just wanted to give a little back story so someday we can look back on this and remember the good times we shared the first year we had together and share a few fun stories with my pals that if I had been a good blogger, you would have heard along the our first date.

I had been on more than a few first dates as you know, because I had been complaining about it quite frequently on my blog. So, that very week I had announced to anyone who would believe me that I was retiring from dating and was content to be single. Frankly...I was now really clear on why men my age were single, if they were. They had VALID reasons! So, when my friend from Romania Alex invited me to join a website he was on, so I could be his "friend", I was a little annoyed to say the least, because I quickly found out it was a type of "hook up" sight for people from all over the world. TAGGED is a mix between Facebook, MySpace, and and none of the good ways. But, I figured I'd add my profile to his list of friends and be done with it. The next day, I received a bunch of emails from Tagged, telling me I needed to find my Meet Me Matches...whatev. I ignored the first 3 and then decided to see what the hell they were bugging me about. So, I went on the website, and saw what they were describing. Basically it was a picture, a name, where they were from and an age. And was I interested? Seriously, nothing could be further from my mind. But, so they would stop harassing me...I looked. Well, among my "interests" from all over the world, there was Brad from Bottle Hollow Utah. Where in the crap was Bottle Hollow Utah? So, I decided to find out. I thought at least I would discover some geography...I clicked "YES" on Brad.

The next day, I received several emails from Tagged. I had a meet me match, a new email, a tag, a comment and someone had signed my guestbook. Great...there were stalkers from Bottle Hollow, Utah. I was going to kill my friend Alex. So, I went home at lunch and was going to say thank you to Brad and then delete my profile, when an instant chat popped up and Brad was home and wanted to visit. Oh GEEZ! I said hello and told him I had 2 minutes, because I was just home to let my dogs out, and agreed, begrudgingly as a newly retired dater, to chat later. Then, I ran back to work to escape!

I got home later that night and I was so tired, because I had gotten up at 5am to go running, because I was training for a 5K and had worked all day and I had stupidly agreed to run the next morning at 5am again. But, I thought I would be nice and chat for 2 minutes with Brad, and then go to bed. So, I logged on and Brad was waiting. Crap. We chatted for a bit, and he turned out to be really funny and direct, but I wasn't interested in anything other than friendship, because I had retired...remember. So at 930, I got off the computer and went to bed. He probably thought I was a senior citizen in real life because I was going to bed so early, but he gave me his number and told me to call if I couldn't sleep. Yeah right. But, I went to bed and promptly got my second wind and couldn't sleep. UGHHHHH. At 11, I decided to test the theory. I called Brad. "I KNEW YOU WOULD CALL ME!!" he laughed. Crap. So, I started talking to Brad. First of all, he has this amazing deep voice and is a no nonsense guy. He tells it how he sees it. We talked for a long time. We found out all we could about each other and he really wanted to get to know me. He kept trying to get me to meet him the next night in Heber. I still wasn't sure where Bottle Hollow was and I told him I would meet him in 2 weeks when we got to know each other. We could be friends. He was so offended when I told him that was how all the 48hrs specials started...she met him in Heber. Did I think he was a serial killer? I didn't know, and I wasn't willing to find out. I said Ted Bundy was very charming. He told me Ted Bundy was dead and I announced he could be his cousin... 3am, I caved. He told me Bottle Hollow wasn't that far and he would drive to SLC to meet me. I didn't realize he lived 2.5 hrs. away. At 5am, I told him I had to go so I could go running. I was delirious at this point anyway, so what difference did a run do to my exhaustion? I got up, fixed my hair and put on my shoes and went running. I thought I was going to die. He was going to meet me at 6pm at my house. I had to work all day, so my only chance to get ready was in the morning. This should go well. Another horrible 1st date to complain about for my blog. SUPER. I went to work and at 1030am the texts started coming. We text all day. I had to work until 530, but at 2 I get a text..."I couldn't wait to come. I'm on my way!!" What? He wanted to come hang out and watch me work and then we would go out. I think not. I was already tired and didn't want an audience at work. So, I called him and said...OK this isn't cute anymore. TELL ME how far away you are and how long I have until you get here. Or, turn around and go home. He begrudgingly told me he lived 2.5 hours away and he was 20 mins. into his drive. I had until a little before 5. Ok. I cancelled the rest of my day after 3 and gave myself a little primping time before he arrived.

I left my salon at 4pm so I could run an errand and get home in time, when it started raining. Great. I no sooner got in my car, when he called..."I'M HERE...SURPRISE!!" I wanted to kill myself. I was tired and irritated and now soaking wet. This should be my best date ever. I told him I would be 20 minutes and to just hang out. I drove home and saw his car in front of my house. we go. I parked and got out my umbrella, which at this point was useless. I walked over to his car and he got out. He was gorgeous! He was all cleaned up and looked amazing and even smalled amazing. Please kill me ran through my mind. I looked up at him and said...."This is unfortunate." He looked at me puzzled and said, "That wasn't the reaction I was looking for." I just motioned him to come inside, I had to salvage what I looked like. He chuckled all the way inside. I took him downstairs to the family room and sat him on the couch and said..."Just stay there. Don't do anything until I get back!" He laughed again and I left him to see if there was any hope to salvage what was left of my appearance. I reapplied my makeup, fixed my hair and changed my shirt and headed out to get Brad.
I had forgotten that my family's picture from 1991 was up on the wall. Big hair...floral mumu and me looking lovely at 270 lbs. He of course was looking at it when I got back. He turned around with this stunned face and said "Which one are you?" Knowing full well which one I was. I said "Guess" feeling humiliated. He just smiled and walked over and said "Why don't you ta about what you've done? I don't even know you very well and I am proud of you. This is a miracle." I totally lost it. I was so tired and touched by what he said and I just crumbled. He hugged me and and told me he didn't mean to make me cry. I just looked up and smiled and said these were good tears. Then I had to go fix my face again! Damnit! But, I decided to give him a more accurate picture of who I used to be. I went and brought out my before pictures at my largest size and handed them to him. Leaving him with..."You should know I was only 19 in that picture. I was 35 when I started to lose weight. Many more years of eating in between." And walked away. As I was in the bathroom I heard..."Holy *@#*!" I giggled a little.
I came out and told him I wasfinally ready and he walked up to me and just stared. Then he grabbed me and gave me a kiss that literally knocked me off my feet and I buckled. He just whispered in my ear..."You are amazing." I held back the tears and smiled and we were off on our date....
To be continued...

1 comment:

youreprettytoo said...

I think my knees just buckled a little bit from reading that story. I can't wait to read the next installment! I'm so happy for you.