Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Life.......UGH!

I am not a public whiner, in general, unless you are a close friend or family member, because they will love me anyway. But, I am completely overwhelmed. This weight loss "thing" let's call it, is really a pain in the ....you know. I just can't seem to get it together these days. I will have really good days, and then bam! It is a free for all! Why can't I control this demon?? I know my eating is definitely stress motivated and I am walking a tightrope of emotions lately, but come on people....I am ready for thin goddess. Enough with the chubby funny one. I want to be a babe! Is that so wrong?? Really?? I have done the "Rhoda Morgenstern-Ethel Mertz" thing long enough! Why can't I do this damn thing?? I work out like a maniac these days, but the food issue continues to haunt my soul. I think I need a hypnotist or something so I can forget the taste of cheese fries and milk shakes and cheese burgers....you get my meaning! I want to declare my weight is in the "ONES". I am so done with the "TWOS"! Calgon.....take me away. Whew. I feel better. That was a good rant session. If anyone know someone who will sew my mouth shut for a few months....call me. Just Kidding. I tread on. UGH! Cry me a river.....

(I love Justin Timberlake) But that is for another day. (SMILE)

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