Friday, January 18, 2008

Graditude Instead of Attitude

I have to say, that God sometimes needs a sledgehammer to wake me up from my pity parties. As you know I have been in sort of a "whoa-is-me" state of mind and I am quite ashamed of this behavior. My eyes have recently been thrust open as of late and I have come to realize that my problems pale in comparison to other people in my life. So, with this epiphany, I am re-focusing my energy on all the things I am truly grateful for.

1. My health--even with the abuse I have bestowed on this poor body, I am truly blessed with the "it takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' " vessel.

2. My friends--I am sorry if anyone disagrees, but my friends are the absolute finest anywhere and I truly don't know what my life would be without them!

3. My family--my family, with all their quirks and aggravations, are truly the funniest people on the planet and we are an extremely loyal bunch! I am glad they have my back!

4. My job--I have a fabulous job, where I get to make people feel beautiful. It doesn't get any better than that. I work with lovely people and our salon has become another home where clients feel like friends and family.

5. My nephews--I know I already recognized family, but there is no one, I repeat NO ONE in the world I love and treasure more than these two little guys! They can do no wrong and I am so lucky and proud of my boys and I pray that they have an inkling of my feelings for them. OY VEY I could just hug the stuffing out of my love bugs!

These are just a few of the MANY many things I am grateful for. I need to remember them a little more often, instead of silly little things that seem to rock my world. This is dedicated to my dear friend Jules, who I adore. I love you and you have my heart...always. You are in my prayers.

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